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Docker swarm in production

This is a experience report on using docker swarm(17.06) in production for ~3 months


Prior to this, we were deploying services on VMs using ansible. For a new project, we wanted to explore benefits of running service as containers and decided to use docker swarm due to its simpler setup and consistency with docker engine APIs


Using container orchestration engine to run services provided following benefits

  • Cleaner boundary between Developers building/packaging the services and DevOps team providing platform for running these services. It is a great cultural shift for the organization!
  • Consistent way to operate services - start/stop, find logs, scale. This makes it easier to operate
  • Implementing cross cutting concerns like log aggregation, monitoring gets easier due to consistency
  • Promotes stateless & immutable infrastructure. It is easier to setup new environments & tear down as and when needed
  • You can achieve better resource utilization with same level of isolation compared to running services on VMs. Helps overcoming resource management issues when running services in public cloud VMs - which doesn’t allow fine gained control on customizing memory, CPU and network resources for a service

Docker swarm specific

  • Easy to setup & operate - single binary/service has all the bells and whistles
  • Smaller learning curve due to API consistency with the standalone docker engine
  • Built in service discovery(via DNS)
  • Built in load balancing across service replicas using battle tested Linux services like IPVS. Load balancing is based on health of the instance determined by health checks defined for the service
  • Support for distributed configuration and secrets
  • Support for rolling upgrades


  • Sometimes you’ll run into issues moby#34163, moby#25432 during deployments. Having a play-book will help in faster recovery from these failures
  • Issues in overlay networking(swarm#2161) can make few containers unreachable some times. Having good monitoring is essential for identification and remediation of these issues
  • Rolling update is harder to achieve if you are using docker config/secret. Swarm doesn’t support updating config/secret. You would have create new config(with new version number) & update the service to use new version of config. It would have been good if this was handled internally using checksum of the config


Overall, using a container orchestration engine in production has proven to be very productive and useful. Docker swarm is maturing over time, with improved stability it is a promising platform for running containers in production
